Brazil's Nutriza in Expansion Mode
BRAZIL - Nutriza AgroIndustrial de Alimentos S/A has chosen Pas Reform's incubation technologies for an expansion programme that will boost the poultry integration's production capacity to 100 million hatching eggs or 1.6 million day-old chicks a week.Nutriza's CEO and managing director, Mr Tomazini, says the decision to invest in Pas Reform's SmartProTM single-stage incubation technologies was based primarily on quality and the Company's very clear commitment to the Brazilian market, through Pas Reform do Brasil.
He said: "Expanding the Nutriza hatchery is central to our strategy, to bolster hatchery operations at the core of our [poultry] integration. When we looked at how best to reliably deliver greater numbers of uniform, robust day old chicks alongside modern requirements for hygiene and biosecurity, we found Pas Reform's SmartPro incubation technologies to be the most comprehensive and viable investment for Nutriza's future needs."
The Nutriza hatchery project includes Pas Reform's SmartSetPro setters, each with a capacity of 115,200 hatching eggs and SmartHatchProTM hatchers for 19,200 eggs each. Aside from the setters and hatchers, the installation will also feature chillers, boilers and a complete climate control installation for the newly expanded hatchery, as well as a modern chick counting and boxing system for improved processing speeds to further promote day old chick quality.
All the new SmartPro incubators will be controlled by the SmartTouchTM system, an advanced management system that permits the precise adjustment of incubation conditions to each type of egg. SmartTouch is complemented by SmartCenterTM, a powerful hatchery information management system that allows not only for centralised hatchery management but also for remote, on-line viewing by the Pas Reform Academy, to monitor and advise on technical management issues.
Claudinei Rosa, Nutriza's hatchery manager, commented: "As our staff has been trained by Pas Reform Academy in advance of completing the installation, I am very confident that we can handle the transition from multi-stage to single stage hatchery operations."
Thomas Calil, head of Pas Reform do Brasil, concluded: "We are very pleased to have yet another high-calibre SmartPro project in Brasil – and keen to begin applying the Circadian IncubationTM technique, as the next step in modular single stage incubation."
Located at Pires do Rio, Goias and part of Grupo Tomazini, Nutriza will rank as the most modern single-stage hatchery in the State following its SmartPro installation.