Kansas Turkeys Succumb in Heat Wave

KANSAS, US - A heat wave has killed more than 4,000 turkeys at one farm.
calendar icon 13 July 2011
clock icon 2 minute read

A Kansas turkey farmer reports losing 4,300 turkeys in the recent heat wave.

Holly Capron has said she and her husband have been running big fans and fog nozzles for days in their poultry buildings, and hat they have had a tractor pulling a spray wagon to water down the birds.

But none of that was enough on Sunday, when the heat soared to 110°G with a heat index of 118°F. Mrs Capron says it was 106°F in the buildings where they raise 22,000 turkeys under contract for Butterball.

She added that it took more than 26 hours to dig a 10-foot-deep hole and bury the dead birds. Each turkey weighed nearly 50 pounds.

Farmers in top turkey states like Arkansas, Missouri and North Carolina also are struggling to keep birds cool.

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