German Egg Demand Rising
GERMANY - Consumer demand for eggs in Germany is rising despite domestic egg output declining, which would suggest imports will increase in order to meet consumer demands, according to Emma Hogan from the German Office of Bord Bia - the Irish Food Board.Over the last five year period, consumption has increased by over four per cent to 214 eggs per capita, whilst domestic egg production continues to fall with self sufficency now at 55 per cent.
Germany is currently playing a leading role in the EU initiative to phase out battery hens by 2012 which in effect has led to an increase in imports of organic and non battery hen eggs. The German Egg Industry is also in the process of banning the use of genetically modified feed.
Rewe intend to expand their GM free egg range to 70 per cent by the end of 2011. Considering these factors, there is scope for egg producers from abroad to at least consider the opportunity.
The Netherlands is currently the largest source of imported eggs, supplying Germany with 8,417 million eggs in 2010(Marketinfo. Eier & Geflügel).
Organic eggs experienced a 26 per cent boost in sales this year following the dioxin crisis which also brought about a nine per cent drop in sales of free range and cage free eggs. Bord Bia research has found that average retail egg prices in Germany are currently 0.30c organic (per egg), 0.23c free range and 0.17c cage free.