Fourth Week of January Proclaimed Poultry Week
GEORGIA, US - The fourth week in January was recently proclaimed Poultry Week by Governor Nathan Deal of Georgia.The proclamation was in recognition of the International Poultry Expo's continuous years of exhibiting in Atlanta, Georgia, as well as in recognition of helping advance the poultry industry and contributing to the economic well-being of the State of Georgia.
The International Poultry Expo will have exhibited for 64 continuous years with the upcoming 2012 IPE. The International Poultry Expo ranks as the largest annual trade show at the Georgia World Congress Center in Atlanta. The Expo brings approximately 21,000 attendees to Atlanta in January each year, and the estimated economic impact of IPE for Atlanta is around $23 million annually.
The proclamation was presented to Tom Hensley, President of Fieldale Farms, and John Starkey, President of the US Poultry & Egg Association. USPOULTRY sponsors the International Poultry Expo every year.