Control of Salmonella in Poultry Nutrition
GERMANY - Salmonella ranks among the world’s biggest threats to health, reports Addcon. In the United States alone, it is thought to be responsible for around 378 deaths and an estimated 19,336 hospitalisations each year.Furthermore, the Center for Disease Control recently estimated a total annual cost of US$3 billion associated with Salmonella in the US. Similar calculations from Denmark in 2001 took this further, suggesting that spending the equivalent of US$14.1 million implementing a Salmonella control programme actually resulted in a net saving of US$25.5 million to the national economy. It is therefore of great interest to investigate management and dietary strategies to counteract Salmonella in poultry production.
Organic acids have long been used to counteract gram-negative pathogenic bacteria in animal feed. Liquid and volatile acids have mainly antibacterial effects in the feed and the foregut of birds only. More recently, research has focused on overcoming these limitations. Chemical compounds which are heat-stable, non-corrosive and yet still effective in the animal are the way forward.
Diformates, like sodium diformate (ADDCON) satisfy these industry requirements. In a recent UK-study reported to DEFRA sodium diformate (0.6 per cent) was added to crop- and caecal contents and assessed for anti-Salmonella activity after periods of exposure. In crop contents there was a log 5 reduction in one hour with no re-growth detected at four and nine hours.
In caecal contents there was a log 1 reduction at nine hours and a log 4 reduction at 24 hours. These results prove irrefutably how a healthy gut with inhibited growth of pathogens and therefore food safety can be achieved by dietary means.
Further Reading
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