Livestock 2012: The Business Debates
UK - The Royal Association of British Dairy Farmers (RABDF) Business Debates focusing on some of the hottest topics and relevant issues impacting on farming businesses within the livestock sector will be held at Livestock 2012 to be staged at The NEC, Birmingham on Tuesday 4 and Wednesday 5 September.Developed by the Royal Association of British Dairy Farmers, the event organiser, the topics scheduled include how to add additional livestock enterprises, how to finance that enterprise to spread the risk, how to diversify and how to make a Fresh Start. The debates will also offer a market outlook for dairying, whether it is a good time to become a beef farmer or go into pigs or sheep and an overview of the egg industry.
Visitors will also have the opportunity to find out more about maximising the benefits of farm assurance. RABDF has arranged for all assured farmers to take home, free of charge, a Red Tractor sign to erect on their farm gate confirming their high production standards covering environmental awareness, hygiene, food safety and animal welfare as well as UK origin.
The Business Debates will be staged in their own open discussion area with visitor seating, enclosed by glass panels. Visitors will be encouraged to participate in the sessions using voting keypads.
RABDF chief executive, Nick Everington said: “Farming is a dynamic business with new opportunities and issues emerging virtually every day. We are pleased to organise these 20 minute debates which this year cover all species and feature topics designed to provide livestock producers with take home ideas and information to help facilitate their decision making.”