Big Dutchman at EuroTier 2012
GERMANY - Come and meet the Big Dutchman Group and experience the top global event for livestock farming in Hanover at the world's biggest exhibition grounds.On six different stands, company experts will present and explain the new products, systems and solutions.
Big Dutchman are especially proud of the four new products which won medals awarded by the German Agricultural Society (Deutsche Landwirtschafts-Gesellschaft, DLG) expert committee:
Automatic manure belt control
Stand 9-C24a
Farm Power Manager
energy management system
Stand 11-D21 and Stand 9-C24a
Sow Check
automatic oestrus analysis system
Stand 11-D21
BigFarmNet health monitoring
software tool for health checks of sows in group management
Stand 11-D21
Big Dutchman will be represented at Eutorier 2012 at the following stands:
Big Dutchman International
poultry equipment
Stand 9-C24a
Big Dutchman Pig Equipment
pig equipment
Pig Production 2030: Big Dutchman concept study on 500 m²
Stand 11-D21
BD AgroRenewables
Stand 22-C20
BD BlueSystems
treatment of slurry and digestate
Stand 25-H23
BDW Feedmill Systems
mixed feed production
Stand 11-G22
BD PowerSystems
energy from biomass
Stand 9-C24a