Transparency of EU Farm Subsidies Supported
EU - The Commission has recently put forward a proposal on publishing the names of the recipients of EU agricultural funds. The proposal includes the publication of the financial aid received by each individual farmer.Many Member States reacted against the proposal when it was put forward at the Council meeting in Luxembourg on Monday 22 October. Danish Minister Mette Gjerskov is, however, much in favour of the idea:
“Of course everybody should have access to the information on how the money is being spent. Farm subsidies account for 40 per cent of the EU budget. This is taxpayers´ money, and of course they should have the possibility to see how we spend all these euro, crowns, zloty and pounds,” states Mette Gjerskov.
At the Council meeting many Member States expressed scepticism toward the transparency proposal. Only Sweden, United Kingdom and Denmark spoke clearly in favour of full transparency.
Some Member States wanted to exempt small farmers and expressed worries about the administrative burdens connected with the publication.
“In my opinion it is important to decide on the principle. When done so, we can look into the necessary adjustments. It is important that the EU demonstrates more transparency and ensures that all citizens can have an insight in how the money is spent. I am sure we will find a solution to the practical problems,” says Mette Gjerskov.