Cobb Seminar Sets Formula for Advice to Indonesian Customers
INDONESIA - Over 200 customers attended the two-day Cobb technical seminar held at the Hotel Shangri-La in Jakarta, Indonesia.The Cobb Asia team, together with the support of the Cobb World Technical Support Team, covered a wide array of topics involving breeder, hatchery and broiler management, nutrition, health and biosecurity, ventilation and research.

In addition to the seminar, the week also included a farm visit to evaluate some of the production facilities and a round-table discussion between customers and the Cobb technical team.
"A lot of issues can be resolved in this way as individual companies and operations have different needs," said Orlando Fernandez, director of Cobb Asia technical services.
"We believe that visiting customers is a more personal way of communicating how to best achieve the maximum potential of the bird.
"As the market for the Cobb 500 continues to grow across Indonesia and the rest of the Asia/Pacific region, our strong sales and technical team is expanding to provide for the educational, training and technical needs of customers in all aspects of poultry production."