New Campaign: Alliance to Save Our Antibiotics
UK - The British poultry sector uses all antibiotics prudently and responsibly to ensure their availability and effectiveness in the future, says the British Poultry Council, commenting on the new 'Save our Antibiotics' campaign by the Soil Association and Compassion in World Farming (CIWF).Poultry veterinarians and farmers are aware of the importance of fluoroquinolones and certain other categories of antibiotics for use in human health. Only relatively small amounts of fluoroquinolones are now prescribed for poultry in the UK and rarely for flocks producing meat or eggs for consumption.
The poultry industry is actively promoting Antibiotic Stewardship through continuous review of usage of all antibiotics in poultry flocks and their prescription only on the basis of a veterinary risk assessment of need and sensitivity testing to determine the effectiveness of the selected antibiotic. This reduces usage and ensures the most appropriate product is being prescribed.
While the poultry industry agrees with the overall objective of the Alliance to promote responsible use and to use the newer classes of antibiotics only when necessary, it does not agree with an outright ban on fluoroquinolones as these medicines are sometimes needed to treat particular infections that damage the health and welfare of birds just as in humans.
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