IPPE Symposium Focuses on Rendered Product to Combat High Feed Costs
US - The International Rendering Symposium is returning to the 2013 International Production & Processing Expo (IPPE).Sponsored by the National Renderers Association and US Poultry &
Egg Association, the symposium will focus on using rendered product to combat high feed costs. The
two-day program is $150 to all registered Expo attendees.
This year’s International Rendering Symposium will include a presentation by Bill Dieterichs, The
Jacobsen Report, on The Economics of Rendered Product. Dr Charles Starkey, American Proteins, will
discuss Controlling Salmonella in Feed. A presentation on The Role of Rendered Products in Aquaculture
Feeds will be presented by Dr Sergio Nates; while Dr Brian Kerr, USDA, will focus on Rendered
Products for Feeding Swine, and Dr Greg Aldrich, Kansas State University, will present on Rendered
Products for Pet Food.
Programs topics will include an Overview of the North American Rendering Industry; Production Profile
of Rendered Protein Meals in Latin America and Its Market Needs for the Pet Food Market; Innovation
in the Rendering Industry; Rendering: A Green Industry; and other issue-specific subjects.
The 2013 IPPE, one of the world's largest annual poultry, feed, and meat industry events, will be held
from 29-31 January 2013, at the Georgia World Congress Center in Atlanta, Georgia. The International
Rendering Symposium is scheduled for Thursday and Friday, 31 January – 1 February. For more
information on the program, click here. To register for the event, go to www.ipe13.org.