Vet Speaks at Gujarat Livestock Development Conference
INDIA - DVM Joséphine Verhaeghe was a guest speaker at the Gujarat Livestock and Dairy Development Conference on 11 June.Twenty states and over 200 districts of India were represented at the conference.
Shri Modi, the Chief Minister of Gujarat, spoke about the need to use modern technology in all aspects including agriculture.
The Minister also affirmed that the nation’s development rate will surge when the common man is integrated in the development journey and can make an effective contribution to the progress of the nation. The purpose of the conference was to provide a platform to facilitate exchange of experiences and ideas of all persons associated with the Livestock and Dairy Sector in the country.
CID LINES is focusing on a 'Manage Mastitis' approach for dairy cows in India. During the presentation, the cost of mastitis was underlined, as well as the necessity of a preventive approach. The principles of the concept (service provided to the farmer with milking hygiene advice and monthly follow-up), already applied in the North of India, were explained.