Brazilian Chicken Meat Exports Reach Historic Highs in October
BRAZIL - Data released by the Brazilian Poultry Union (UBABEF) reveal that the country's chicken meat exports reached 335,000 tonnes during October, and 3.5 per cent higher compared to the same month last year. Revenues dropped by 4.9 per cent to $682.44 million.For the full year, shipments of poultry meat totaled 3.22 million tons, down 1.4 per cent compared to the first ten months of last year. Revenues rose 5.43 per cent to $ 6.672 billion.
UBABEF president Francisco Turra said, "We are reducing the difference between the total exports in 2012 and this year with the possibility of reaching in 2013 a tonnage equivalent to that exported last year.
"With the fastest pace in shipments, there will probably be a downsizing of inventories this holiday season, a period during which demand for poultry products will increase in the domestic market."