Egg Sector Development Boost in New South Wales
AUSTRALIA - Egg producer in New South Wales will benefit from the new appointment of Department of Primary Industries (DPI) Development Officer for poultry eggs based at Tocal Agricultural Centre near Maitland.DPI Manager for Dairy and Intensive Livestock Industries, Tim Burfitt, said the new role will help the poultry egg industry access new technologies while improving the efficiency of their business, according to Poultry Hub at the Poultry Cooperative Research Centre (Poultry CRC).
“I am pleased to announce the successful applicant, Ms Joanna Blunden, will commence in the position in March, Mr Burfitt said.
“The role will be responsible for undertaking collaborative development activities that will produce products, systems and appropriate training for industry participants.
“Ms Blunden has the ideal background, skills and experience for the role.
Mr Burfitt said Ms Blunden had previously fulfilled the role of livestock officer poultry meat for seven years acquitting herself competently while developing widespread respect from the industry.
“Ms Blunden has demonstrated a high level of understanding of the technical systems, industry intelligence and knowledge of current and emerging issues relevant to the NSW egg industry,” Mr Burfitt said.
Ms Blunden said she is looking forward to the new position and the opportunity to work on the major issues confronting the poultry egg industry.
The Australian and NSW poultry egg industries have responded positively to the news.
James Kellaway, Managing Director of Australian Egg Corporation said he is pleased with this appointment as it will clearly assist the delivery and adoption of our research and programme outcomes to assist industry to lift productivity and capacity.
Dr Mingan Choct, Chief Executive Officer of the Poultry CRC said he is delighted with this appointment that can only enhance the delivery of research and guidelines to NSW egg producers.