British Poultry Farmers Warned to Maintain Vigilance Against Bird Flu
UK – Rigid protocols to safeguard against avian influenza are necessary and also reduce other devastating diseases from the livestock sector, UK agriculture has been told.The initial 2003 outbreak has resulted in three UK outbreaks of the H5N1 strain to date, although ADAS is warning farmers that the threat is still very real.
Sustainable Food and Farming expert John Newton has prescribed vigilant measures as a precaution against the disease, despite most of the world’s cases happening in the Far East.
Mr Newton said: “The main precautions that farmers can take include cleaning and disinfection of premises and the establishment of a biosecurity barrier to help prevent spread of disease is essential."
There have been close to 7,500 outbreaks of highly pathogenic H5N1 globally. Viet Nam has reported 2,720, Thailand 1,141 and Egypt 1,084.
Warning signs came when Germany and the Netherlands confirmed low pathogenic strains, added Mr Newton.
He stressed stringent cleanliness benefits all livestock farming, stating: “Thorough and robust biosecurity plans and arrangements are not only needed to help keep Avian Influenza at bay, but will also help to keep out a large range of other potentially devastating diseases from poultry and all other types of livestock premises too.”