New Title Shows David Brown Was a Global Leader

GLOBAL - The international importance of a Yorkshire-based tractor company is being detailed in a new publication to be released next month.
calendar icon 25 April 2014
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Part two of The David Brown Tractor Story tracks the development of the company from 1949 to 1964 in an extensively researched book, to be launched Wednesday 30 April.

Authored by leading tractor expert Stuart Gibbard, the book offers new insights into the history of a family-owned West Yorkshire brand that shipped around the world.

Stuart’s account includes an in-depth coverage of the ground breaking Cropmaster series which boasted the first ever high-speed diesel-injection engine, paving the way for industrial David Brown crawlers, a six-wheeled cylinder tractor and a tool bar machine.

The volume communicates how, with a skilled workforce behind him, David Brown aspired to market a range of six tractors and 60 implements to the world’s farmers and growers.

The book details how David Brown exported to Scandinavia, Canada, Central America, Germany, France, Spain, Greece, Australia and New Zealand.

Other trade routes developed later in the US and the Netherlands from the company’s Pennine headquarters in Meltham.

The heavily illustrated volume gives an account of the German 750 Farmatic model, as well as the company’s dealings with US manufacturer Oliver in order to supply machines to fill gaps in the Oliver range.

Meltham’s Prairie Cropmaster and 50D model are also described – both tractors designed for broadacre operations in northern and southern hemisphere settings.

The 2D tractor, aimed at specialised markets, also featured in the range at this time with high-clearance and narrow design for orchards, vineyards, sugar cane and tobacco plantations worldwide.

According to Stuart, the period covered in the book shows the focus David Brown had on innovation and how it maintained a very British tradition of putting engineering excellence before profits.

The release follows the acquisition of Old Pond Publishing, publishers of volume one of the David Brown Tractor story, by 5m Publishing, an international agri-foods and animal health media business.

For more on 5m's acquisition of Old Pond Publishing, click here

Further Reading

If you are interested in finding more about the book, click here

Alternatively, you can ring: 0114 240 9930

Michael Priestley

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