Can Australia's Egg Industry Meet Demand by 2018?
AUSTRALIA - Poultry CRC is asking free-range egg producers in Australia about their future plans in order to draw up research proposals to help the country can meet the growing demand for this sector's products.The Poultry CRC is conducting a survey of free-range poultry farms across the country. The survey results will underpin the commissioning of rational, evidence-based research projects to address the important scientific and commercial questions pertaining to free range operations. The survey team, led by Dr Mini Singh of The University of Sydney, will consist of researchers from numerous partners including the South Australian R&D Institute (SARDI), the University of New England, Queensland Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF) and Poultry Works.
In Australia, currently 40 per cent of eggs and 15 per cent of meat chickens are produced free-range, with dramatic increases expected over the next five years. In the case of eggs, this shift is facilitated by the two supermarkets, Coles and Woolworths, as they have decided to phase out cage egg sales during the next few years.
Can the Australian egg industry meet the demand for eggs by 2018? This is a difficult question for egg farmers because not very long ago some 30 per cent of egg farmers dropped out of the industry due to changes in regulation related to cage size. However, ethical and sustainable production of food is the future trend for consumers in the developed world and thus it cannot be ignored.
Regarding the free-range situation in Australia, the question is whether it is possible to have a uniform standard for a highly diverse production system, that is, is a “one size fits all” approach to free-range production appropriate?
The answer is, obviously, “no”. So what will be the common areas across all types of free range operations? What will make them more sustainable in terms of food production, bird health and welfare, and environmental management points of view?