Commission Announces 2015 Meat Poultry Whey TRQs
RUSSIA - On 20 August 2014, the Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC) published Decision 131, "On the List of Goods, which are Subject to Tariff-Rate Quotas in 2015, and the Volume of Tariff-Rate Quotas for Imports of these Goods into the Member States of the Customs Union and Single Economic Space."The Russian TRQ volumes for 2015 will be the same as in 2014, which appear to be consistent with Russia’s WTO commitments. As in 2014, the EEC Decision on 2015 TRQs does not specify country-specific allocations for Russia, but rather leaves it to the Russian Federation to "distribute the volume of the tariff-rate quotas among third countries in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and commitments of the Russian Federation within the framework of the World Trade Organization."
Kazakhstan reduced the TRQ volume for frozen beef (from 15,300 MT in 2014 to 10,000 MT in 2015), leaving the allocation for chilled beef unchanged from 2014 (at 20 MT). In 2015, the Kazakhstani TRQ volumes for pork and poultry will remain the same as in 2014 at 9,700 MT and 110,000 MT, respectively.
The Belarus TRQ volumes remained unchanged from 2014. As in 2014, Belarus will be able to increase its TRQ for pork from 20,000 MT to up to 40,000 MT in 2015 if Belarus exhausts at least 70 per cent of the 2015 TRQ for pork in the first half of 2015.
The proposed TRQ allocations will enter into force 30 days from the date of the Decision’s official publication (i.e., 19 September 2014).