RIRDC Seeks Chicken Meat Advisory Panel Members
AUSTRALIA - The Rural Industries R&D Corporation (RIRDC) is seeking applications from suitably qualified individuals for several positions on the RIRDC Chicken Meat Industry Advisory Panel.The Advisory Panel consists of people with a range of skills and experience in the research, production and processing sectors of the Australian chicken meat industry.
The Advisory Panel provides recommendations on the allocation of research, development and extension funding for the RIRDC Chicken Meat RD&E Program.
Members of the Advisory Panel will be recompensed for their services to RIRDC at rates determined by the Commonwealth Remuneration Tribunal.
Submissions close at 5pm on Friday, 24 October 2014.
Submit your applications to, or for further information contact:
Dr Vivien Kite on 02 9929 4077 or email vivien.kite@chicken.org.au or
Margie Heath on 02 6271 4145 or email margaret.heath@rirdc.gov.au
Applicants must complete and submit the application form as part of the application process. You can download the application form by clicking here.