Introducing the Huvematic Concept
BELGIUM - Huvepharma® will be on hand at EuroTier to explain its new Huvematic® Concept.Heat-sensitive additives can suffer significant loss of activity when temperatures during processing exceed certain limits. Post Pelleting Application Systems (PPLA) have been specially developed to avoid these losses by spraying the liquefied additive on the (pelleted) feed.
Also enzymes are known for temperature sensitivity, so liquid enzymes have been developed – packed and transported in 1,000-litre IBC’s. However, using IBC’s brings some disadvantages, for the nutritionist, as well as for the production manager. Factors to consider are, among others, enzyme stability during storage, handling and transporting IBC’S and the need for (cooled) storage space.
The Huvepharma R&D and technical team have developed a new and unique concept using highly concentrated powder enzymes (WSP), which instantly dissolve in cold water. With these WSP enzymes and a special developed machine, called the Huvematic, the liquid enzyme can be produced on site in process at the feed mill.
The system operates fully automatically, and the machine can also be incorporated in the feed mills automation system, or function as a stand-alone.
The advantages are clear and obvious: accuracy, flexibility and safety increase while costs decrease.
Huvepharma has developed two instant water-soluble enzymes:
- OptiPhos® WSP (phytase)
- Hostazym® X WSP (xylanase).
At the Huvepharma booth, a fully operational Huvematic system will be installed to show its high-tech design and demonstrate the easy way it works.
Huvepharma will be at EuroTier - Hall 15/D09. Join them there for a conversation on the future of (liquid) enzyme development and application.
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