Bird Flu in British Columbia

CANADA - Avian influenza has been confirmed on four poultry farms in British Columbia.
calendar icon 11 December 2014
clock icon 3 minute read

Dr Gerald Hauer, Alberta’s chief veterinarian, says it is important for poultry producers in Alberta, both large and small, to be aware of the situation.

"Avian influenza is a reportable disease that causes high mortality rates so it Is very important for the commercial poultry industry that we control it," says Dr Hauer.

Dr Hauer stressed the importance of Alberta poultry producers being aware of the situation so that they can take the proper precautions to protect their flock. Although there is minimal bird movement between Alberta and British Columbia, producers should be employing sound biosecurity practices.

Some steps to improve biosecurity include knowing where the birds are coming from and that they have a clean bill of health. Quarantining them for a few weeks to confirm that they are healthy, looking at all avenues disease can enter the farm, and having procedures in place to prevent the disease, such keeping the flock’s contact with wild birds to a minimum, will minimize the potential of a disease outbreak in a flock.

Should a producer notice any signs of illness in an animal they should contact their private veterinarian or Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development (ARD) which has a program to assist small flock owners, to get a diagnosis. In southern Alberta producers can call 403-948-8575 and in northern Alberta producers can call 780-422-1923 for information and assistance with the programme.

Further Reading

Find out more information on Avian Influenza by clicking here.

Charlotte Rowney

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