Canadian Authority Confirms No New Bird Flu Outbreaks
CANADA - In an update on avian influenza situation in British Columbia, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) is continuing its response to an outbreak of avian influenza in British Columbia’s Fraser Valley.No new sites have been identified since December 19, 2014, and depopulation of the infected premises is complete. The Agency is monitoring the progress of disposal of dead birds, and cleaning and disinfection of barns, vehicles, equipment and tools on the infected premises, according to CFIA in a statement on 8 January.
The CFIA continues to work closely with the Province of British Columbia, the owners of the infected birds, and the poultry industry to manage this outbreak. Surveillance of domestic poultry within the primary control zone is ongoing. Movement restrictions for poultry and poultry products are still in place. Compensation for affected farmers is rolling out on schedule.
Disease control measures will remain in place for 21 days after the cleaning and disinfection of all confirmed infected premises is complete, providing there have been no positive results from surveillance activities.
Strict surveillance will continue in the area for the next 90 days. If no additional cases of avian influenza are found within this period, the zone can be considered free of avian influenza.
The CFIA continues to urge poultry farmers to take an active role in protecting their flocks by employing strict biosecurity measures on their property, and to immediately report any suspicious symptoms.
Avian influenza viruses do not pose risks to food safety when poultry and poultry products are properly handled and cooked.
Further Reading
You can visit the Avian Flu page by clicking here.