Environmental Feed Life Cycle Guidelines Released
GLOBAL - International organisation have released new guidelines for Global Feed Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), which addresses the impact of livestock feeds on the environment.Work on the new guidelines was led by the United Nations' Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) in collaboration with organisations from the feed industry, in the Livestock Environmental Assessment and Performance Partnership (LEAP).
The aim of these global guidelines is to help reduce the impact of livestock products on the environment.
Professor Frank Mitloehner, former Chairman of LEAP, praised the scientific basis of the guidelines: “The Guidelines provide practical and science-based recommendations to assess the environmental performance of feed supply chains.
"They carry an international scientific consensus based on the input of twenty international experts in the drafting process and a thorough international public review which took place ahead of this official release.”
Mario Cutait, Chairman of The International Feed Industry Federation (IFIF), said that the guidelines represented a significant milestone for the global feed industry.
“Sustainability is one of the key priorities for IFIF and these global guidelines will enable consistent and credible environmental assessments with a view to reduce the environmental footprint of livestock products."
Mr Cutait added: “We can now work with our partners on the agri-feed chain to develop practical tools for feed and livestock producers to assist them in further reducing the environmental footprint of their activities.”
President of the American Feed Industry Association (AFIA) Joel Newman said: “The LEAP/FAO Feed LCA Guidelines reflect a common vision among partners, including the FAO, national governments, private sector organisations as well as NGOs.”
European Compound Feed Manufacturers’ Federation (FEFAC) President Ruud Tijssens commented: “We took into account the main recommendations of the Product Environmental Footprint Guide published by the European Commission Common during the development of the FAO/LEAP Guidelines.”
“From a European perspective, the FAO/LEAP guidelines are therefore the logical and relevant starting point to develop a standard aligned with the recommendations of the European Commission.”