Young Chinese Couple's Instant Poultry Success

CHINA – A 500,000-yuan poultry investment could be earning two million yuan a year by the end of 2015.
calendar icon 28 April 2015
clock icon 2 minute read

Two young graduates have quickly established a successful poultry business in central China, already planning to more than treble their numbers from 3,000 to 10,000 birds.

Expansion plans for Peng Yu and his girlfriend Dai Ying centre on their 3.3-hectare chicken farm in Zhongjiang county.

Earnings since November have paid off establishment costs.

Rather than continuing postgraduate studies, Peng opted to use his savings and money from his parents to set up a business, pandering to his entrepreneurial side.

"As parents, we certainly have concerns about giving them money to invest in the chickenfarm," said Dai Fushu, Dai's father, a factory worker in Sichuan. "But, we are also very willing to help them realize their dreams."

The couple are representative of a demographic of upwardly mobile young people in China. Here, the average age of the ‘new rich’ is 33, making them the youngest wealthy demographic in the Asia-Pacific region.

Inspiration has been coming from the top in recent years. Politicians have been calling for more innovation and entrepreneurship, followed up by colleges and universities encouraging students to set-up businesses.

A reduction in tax on smaller businesses has no doubt helped, reports China Daily. This has been part of several economic measures politicians say are slowing the economic downturn.

Michael Priestley

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