ISA Participates at Celebration of 40th Anniversary of ANAPO

PORTUGAL - The Portuguese Association of Egg Producers (ANAPO) is celebrating its 40th anniversary in 2015.
calendar icon 5 May 2015
clock icon 2 minute read

Throughout the year, ANAPO is promoting different events to commemorate this important and special occasion, and one of the most significant is a whole training program for poultry technicians at the Agronomic High School in Coimbra.

It was an honour for ISA to be invited to participate and contribute to the technical progress of the Portuguese poultry industry.

In April 24th, Dr Rafael Lera (Veterinarian and Technical Specialist in ISA) shared some of his extensive knowledge and experience with about 50 participants, including the technical people responsible for 70 per cent of the Portuguese rearing and egg production sector, as well as members from pharmaceutical and nutrition specialised companies.

The presentation was dedicated to brooding and rearing of pullets, focusing on management issues in different systems and lighting programs, but it also included a section where advances in genetic selection of commercial layers were highlighted.

It was an opportunity for the attendees to learn about the historical evolution of the objectives and methods used in the breeding program of ISA, which is the base for the impressive progress of the production performances of our layers.

At the end, everyone could realise that the goal of producing 500 first quality eggs in 100 weeks of age is not a dream, but something that will happen in their farms in a not too distant future.

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