Avian Flu Continues to Affect Taiwan
TAIWAN - There have been further outbreaks of two different serotypes of highly pathogenic avian influenza in Taiwan.Four outbreaks of the H5N2 serotype of the virus have been confirmed in the country. This is the same serotype that has caused the epidemic in the United States.
In these outbreaks, there have been 32639 cases out of a susceptible population of 54845 farm birds. 28634 animals died from the disease and 26211 were destroyed to prevent the spread of the disease.
Map of H5N2 outbreaks
In addition, there has been one outbreak of H5N8 avian influenza, involving 6570 cases in a susceptible population of 12000 birds. There were 6570 deaths and 5430 birds destroyed.
The areas are under increased monitoring and surveillance.
Mapo showing H5N8 outbreak