Halamid Shown to be Less Corrosive

FRANCE - Corrosion is a significant problem with aggressive disinfectants, in particular acidic Peroxygen - Persulfate types.
calendar icon 10 June 2015
clock icon 3 minute read

Users find that prolonged use of peroxygen-based disinfectants can result quite quickly in corroded, tarnished and degraded metal equipment in the poultry barn (feeders, fans) and around aquacultural premises (pumps, pipes, grilles).

Corroded spraying equipment is another common complaint.

Toby Heppenstall, General Manager at France-based Axcentive sarl, producers of Halamid® explains the background to some recent testing.

“Halamid® is well known to be mild to materials and equipment but our distribution network told us that they needed something more visual than a table of data to make this point with new prospective users.”

Arno Schut, Technical Manager, continues the story: “The difficulty was in finding a suitable experiment protocol which would replicate the wet-dry cycling effect of regular disinfection onto metal surfaces. Curiously we found the best proxy to be the standard test (ASTM 1384) for the corrosiveness of engine coolant formulations upon engine parts. In our lab we replaced engine coolant with Halamid® and other disinfectant active ingredients”.

Six different materials underwent the same number of cycles in the disinfectant solution in an open, aerated refluxing vessel. The disinfectant solutions were changed every day to ensure freshness.

Arno continues: “Weight loss measurements provided quantitative proof that Halamid® resists corrosion best, but the most revealing results for the user are the images of the corroded metal plates!”

Clearly different types of disinfectant all have different benefits and drawbacks, but Axcentive hopes that these results will be useful in underlining the advantage of Halamid® in environments where corrosion is a particular problem.

Further information on Halamid® can be obtained from www.axcentive.com, by emailing [email protected] or by calling our sales office on +33 442 694 090.

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