ISA Success at International Poultry and Pig Show 2015 in Japan

JAPAN - On June 10th -12th, the International Poultry and Pig Show 2015 was held at Nagoya, Japan. During the exhibition, ISA Japan opened a booth as ISA-Hendrix Genetics.
calendar icon 15 June 2015
clock icon 2 minute read

Many people from the poultry industry stopped at the ISA Japan booth.

At the 2nd day of the show, ISA Japan held a seminar to the public. Frans van Sambeek, director of ISA research & development, talked about “Breeding for 500 top quality eggs by 2020”.

The presentation focused about ISA’s breeding program, especially about the feather cover selection and the genomic selections. Also, the presentation contained many impressive results from the public random sample tests (North Carolina and Gunma) and from the fields in Japan.

The seminar room was filled up with more than 130 people. Unfortunately, some people could not get a seat, but they listened to the story standing until the end.

In addition, ISA Japan had a social reception after the seminar. At the beginning of the party, Arian Groot, director of sales & marketing, made a short speech to thank for ISA customers in Japan.

The party began with a toast by Mr Sakakura, president of Mie Hatchery, and it was closed with a single clap by Mr Akagi, president of Amuse Hatchery, based on the Japanese traditional ways. The party room was almost full with more than 100 people. People really enjoyed the social party.

ISA appreciate the cooperation from all attendees for the success at IPPS 2015.

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