UK Research into Improving Animal Health Announced

UK - 11 new research projects to improve animal health and welfare have been funded as part of the a funding call for the Animal Health and Welfare ERA-Net (ANIHWA) programme.
calendar icon 24 June 2015
clock icon 2 minute read

Of these research projects, six were funded by BBSRC.

ANIHWA is a European programme consisting of partner organisations from 19 different European countries, including Israel. The programme aims to increase cooperation and coordination of national research programmes on animal health and the welfare of farmed animals including fish and bees.

The projects funded by BBSRC focus on the threats to animal health and welfare such as infectious diseases, as well as new tools and technologies to improve welfare.

The funded projects were:

  • Dr Robert Atterbury, University of Nottingham and Dr David Harper, Ampliphi Biosciences Corporation - A bacteriophage-based approach to reducing infections caused by antibiotic resistant Escherichia coli
  • Dr Simon Carpenter, The Pirbright Institute and Dr Paul Kersey, European Bioinformatics Institute - Can we predict emergence and spread of Culicoides-borne arboviruses in Europe according to genetic drivers
  • Dr Ian Dunn, The Roslin Institute and Professor Nick Sparks, Scotland’s Rural College - Better bone quality in laying hens
  • Professor George Lomonossoff, John Innes Centre - Sustainable management of aquaculture fish health through the development of low cost plant-derived vaccines
  • Professor Peter Kaiser, The Roslin Institute - Understanding mucosal immunology and co-infections in the chicken to drive vaccine strategies
  • Professor Laura Piddock, University of Birmingham - Prevalence and optimised detection of resistance to antibiotics vital for animal and human health
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