Aviagen Welcomes Annual Japan Chunky Association Mission to US
US - Aviagen® welcomed Japan Chunky Association (JCA) to the United States as part of the JCA’s annual Mission trip. The group of 27 members arrived in Atlanta on January 25 and included members from Nippon Chunky, the long-standing Ross® distributor in Japan.The annual JCA Mission trip allows its members to meet with their international colleagues to share knowledge and developments within the poultry industry. Aviagen facilitated the visit with an industry and R&D update and attendance at the International Production and Processing Exhibition (IPPE) in Atlanta.
The JCA members had an opportunity to visit Aviagen’s global headquarters in Huntsville, Alabama where they attended seminars and presentations by Aviagen senior management. Topics ranged from a broiler breeding corporate overview to a summary of the US chicken industry.
Mikio Hashigushi, Director, Nippon White Farm, said, “The JCA members returned from their trip incredibly impressed following a well thought out and flexible schedule. It was truly an unforgettable experience and we are extremely grateful to all involved.”
“The lectures we attended continued to show us what Aviagen has done and continues to do to be a leading player in the field. They were very concise and informative. We feel this visit will help to contribute to the Japanese industry.”
The JCA also visited Keystone Foods, an Aviagen customer, and received a tour of their processing plant, which provided further insight into the US poultry industry.