Petersime S-line Training for French Speaking Customers
BELGIUM - Petersime provides world leading incubators, hatchery equipment and turnkey hatcheries aligned with the expertise and support to maximize return on investment. As we are committed to making our customers hatching champions, Petersime has an elaborate training schedule.You can consult dates on our Petersime website.
From 23rd to 25th of February a S-Line training course has been organized at the Petersime headquarters in Olsene, Belgium.
Participants from France and Tunisia attended this session aimed at getting in-depth knowledge on the use of Petersime’s latest generation of single-stage incubator, S-Line. Having used Petersime Biostreamer™ for several years within broiler, layer, turkey and even duck incubation processes, this group represented a vast experience and shared a lot of expertise amongst each other.
Even for the hatch breakout session, the trainers could also tap into the knowledge of some participants having quite some practical experience; allowing advanced questions and exercises.The training allowed a very interactive approach and knowledge sharing for all.
Also for the Petersime team, this edition of the S-Line training was, once more, a fascinating seminar.