A Tight House is a Good House
GLOBAL - To perform well and to stay healthy broiler and breeder flocks need to be in controlled-environment houses that are correctly ventilated.Supplying the right level of fresh air during times of minimum ventilation and understanding the correct parameters to monitor and measure are all critical parts of daily ventilation management.
Ensuring house tightness is an area of ventilation management that is often overlooked. With the use of a simple, in-house, fixed pressure meter, knowing how well-sealed a house is becomes an easy task and will help identify any shortfalls in your ventilation system.
A well-sealed house will give a negative pressure reading of >42pa with all inlets and doors closed and one tunnel or two minimum ventilation fans running. A reading lower than 2pa should be investigated immediately and any holes plugged to ensure air is only coming in where inlets are open and directed to the correct place.
Coming soon is a series of Aviagen® Ventilation Management How To’s and Posters. These are simple, practical guides on how to achieve the best ventilation possible.