Chick Master Hosts Avida Academy in Medina Factory
US - As part of Chick Master’s commitment to training, we extend an invitation to recent customers that have invested in Avida single stage incubation systems to attend the Avida Single Stage Academy held in Medina, Ohio USA.This year we recently had 17 attendees from five different countries from all over the world coming to the Medina, Ohio USA. The three days included sessions on embryology, stage program management, hatchery ventilation, and managing and using the many tools that Avida setters and hatchers include to optimise performance.
Day three was a hands-on day visiting a local hatchery. The program included a walk thru of this facility followed by an egg breakout session lead by Dr Wineland as well as Dr Carolina Diaz and Chad Daniels of Chick Master.
Chick Master is proud to host this event and will continue to organise and expand the Academy in the future.