Halamid® Applied via Nebulisation Robot Proves again Ultra-Efficient

GLOBAL - Recent tests with a revolutionary nebulisation robot shows that Halamid® remains the state-of-the-art disinfectant for use with innovative application systems.
calendar icon 17 February 2017
clock icon 3 minute read

Tested under simulated but realistic animal house conditions, Halamid® achieved very high reduction of bacterial levels for some of the most resistant strains. Tests were done on Staphylococcus aureus, E. coli and Enterococcus faecalis. Reductions of 10 – 100 million times have been measured (log 7 – log 8), leading to a very complete and hygienic disinfection result, where residual bacterial levels cannot pose any threat to animals or humans.

The nebulisation robot used – Octopus - (octopusrobots.com) is unique in the sense that it is autonomous in moving around in the animal house. Also it is a very silent machine, allowing its use in populated poultry houses for example.

Paul van Lenthe, executive director Axcentive SARL explains: “Axcentive has been pushing the use of nebulisation systems with its Halamid® since many years. We believe that the use of disinfectants, hazardous by nature because their prime function is to kill micro-organism, should be disconnected, where possible, from operators. A nebulisation system is operating on its own without human interference required in the animal house to be treated. Moreover nebulisation is the most cost-effective disinfection system known, because the micro droplets uniformly cover all surfaces, including the roof construction, crevices and so on, without excess disinfectant solution being wasted running down walls into the sewer. This new robot is the next step in making disinfection cost effective and safe. We are extremely satisfied that Halamid® is the preferred product in conjunction with this innovative machine”

Further information can be obtained from local Halamid® distributors or www.halamid.com.
For more info on the robot, please contact MCAI (+33 241 701 515) or octopusrobots.com.

Ludmila Starostina

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