Georgia Reacts to Bird Flu; Issues Temporary Suspensions on Poultry
US - Avian influenza has been confirmed in three states, two of which share borders with Georgia. As a precaution, Georgia State Veterinarian Robert Cobb has suspended all poultry exhibitions indefinitely.The order also suspends poultry shows, sales, swaps and meets in Georgia, including flea markets and auction markets.
Importing and exporting poultry out-of-state is not suspended as long as all state requirements are met. Private sales are also not affected by the suspension.
The Georgia Department of Agriculture urges all poultry producers, including backyard poultry keepers, to be twice as diligent with ensuring biosecurity.
Outdoor birds should be moved into secure housing as any contact with wild birds can potentially spread avian influenza.
All flocks are to be monitored for signs of highly pathogenic avian influenza, such as rapid increase in mortality over several days.