Russian President Says Sanctions Led to Self-Sufficiency in Pork, Poultry

RUSSIA - Russia is now almost completely self-sufficient in pork and poultry meat as a result of anti-Russian sanctions, Russian President Vladimir Putin said Thursday during his annual "Direct Line" call-in session.
calendar icon 16 June 2017
clock icon 2 minute read

According to Sputnik News, President Putin said: "We all know that growth [in agriculture] is around 3 per cent, Russia has become the number one country, the leader in the export of grain and wheat.

"We have significantly reduced our imports, our own production, for example of pork and poultry meat, now almost completely covers our needs."

The Russian President said this while describing the sanctions' influence on Russia’s economy, adding that Russia was now looking for new markets to export its mean, eyeing China in particular.

President Putin said that the sanctions had a positive effect on the output of a number of industries.

"We have restored our competence in radio electronics, aircraft construction, missiles, in the pharmaceutical industry... in heavy engineering," President Putin said.

The Russian leader is holding the 15th annual call-in session. Last year, there were over 2.3 million questions.

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