Emerging animal health companies compete for funding in ‘shark tank’ style forum

Kansas City Animal Health Corridor Investment Forum showcases the latest industry innovations and animal health startups
calendar icon 17 August 2018
clock icon 3 minute read

WHAT: The 10th annual Kansas City Animal Health Investment Forum is a one-of-a-kind event that joins animal health startups with more than 400 ambitious executives and investors. The Investment Forum is one of the world’s only opportunities for early-and mid-stage animal health entrepreneurs to present their business plans to potential investors, giving venture capital funds, investment firms and potential partners an inside look at the newest technology and innovations in animal health.

This year, 12 emerging animal health companies from around the world were selected to showcase their ideas from a highly competitive group of applicants. The entrepreneurs will have 15 minutes to present their projects in a “Shark Tank” format. Presenting companies are seeking $500,000 to $20 million in funding and have revenue projections of $20 million within five to seven years.

Innovations focus on global issues facing the animal health industry, including an advanced vaccination system for day old chicks; producing bioactive, nature-inspired molecules to provide cost effective products; developing breakthrough treatments for cancer in animals; addressing antibiotic resistance; and advances for companion animals, including a smart collar for dogs that can be applied to livestock.

WHO: Forum attendees include representatives from venture capital funds, investment firms, corporate research and development and business development professionals.

Interview opportunities include:

  • KC Animal Health Corridor Chairman Scott Bormann, Vice President, North America, Merck Animal Health.
  • KC Animal Health Corridor President Kimberly Young.
  • Investment Forum Selection Committee Member Rich Shuler, Shuler Consulting Services.
  • Investment Forum Selection Committee Member Sam Al-Murrani, Babylon BioConsulting LLC.
  • Roy Stein, Founder & CEO of BabelBark, a pet-related software developer based in Newton, Massachusetts, that presented at the 2017 Investment Forum.

WHEN: 7:30am to 6pm, Tuesday, 21 August. A complete agenda is available here.

WHERE: Kansas City Convention Center, Kay Barnes Grand Ballroom, 301 West 13th St., Kansas City, Mo. 64105.

BACKGROUND: The KC Animal Health Corridor, anchored by Manhattan, Kan., and Columbia, Mo., is home to more than 300 animal health companies and 20,000 people working in animal health, representing the largest concentration in the world. Companies with a strategic location in the KC Animal Health Corridor now represent 56 percent of total worldwide animal health, diagnostics and pet food sales.

MEDIA CONTACT: Cori Kallenbach, [email protected] , or (913) 645-2421

Emily Houghton

Editor, The Pig Site

Emily Houghton is a Zoology graduate from Cardiff University and was the editor of The Pig Site from October 2017 to May 2020. Emily has worked in livestock husbandry, and has written, conducted and assisted with research projects regarding the synthesis of welfare and productivity of free-range food species.

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