Egg prices fall in Uganda
UGANDA - Ugandan farmers are suffering losses from falling egg prices due to lost market opportunities in the region and high feed costsFarmers and traders that spoke to The Independent said a tray of eggs now goes for between USD$1.64 to $2.05 compared with between $2.73 to $3.27 in October last year.
The egg dealers said the increase in egg production in its key market, Kenya, has led to a reduction in demand for the country’s eggs amidst a surging cost of production.
“Approximately 60% of the eggs produced in Uganda are exported to Kenya and now Kenya is also producing eggs on a large scale,” said Aga Sekalala, the Executive Director, Ugachick in an interview with The Independent.
“That leaves us with no market as demand is fixed. That is why the egg prices had to be cut.”