Protein for fowls: Poultry industry wants ban lifted
BANGLADESH - Poultry industry members in Bangladesh want government to lift the ban on the import and sale of meat and bone meal (MBM), a protein concentrate for chickenThey said the ban would adversely affect the USD$2.9 billion industry because the alternative feed, called fish meal, would increase their production cost by about 10 percent.
Citing health concerns, the government banned MBM earlier in January.
The feed comes in the form of powder, and is made from bones of animals, including cow and goat and a small amount of meat attached to the bones.
It can cause anthrax, antibiotic resistance, and even cancer, officials at the Department of Livestock Services (DSL) told The Daily Star earlier this week.
Yesterday, industry insiders said they welcomed the government move to ensure safe food, but banning the import of MBM was not the solution.