TAMU poultry science student receives prestigious scholarship
The Poultry Science Association Foundation (PSA Foundation) was pleased to recognise Ms Laney Froebel as the recipient of the 2019 Dr James H and Shirley H Denton Endowed Memorial Scholarship during the Poultry Science Club Awards Banquet in April 2019Froebel is currently a junior enrolled in the Department of Poultry Science at Texas A&M University with a dual major in Animal Science.
Dr Denton, Executive Director of the Poultry Science Association Foundation, established the scholarship in memory of his beloved wife Shirley, who was admired by faculty and students in Poultry Science for her support of Dr Denton as faculty advisor for the Poultry Science Club. Dr Denton served as Poultry Marketing Specialist with the Texas Agricultural Service beginning in 1977 and later served as Associate Department Head-Extension and Department Head in Poultry Science.
The scholarship is intended to support a rising junior who has chosen Poultry Science as their field of study and has expressed an interest in graduate education for the MS and PhD.
“Because Ms Froebel is enrolled in Poultry Science with a dual major in Animal Science she is clearly progressing in her studies and will be an outstanding candidate for graduate studies for the MS and PhD to develop as a future scientist,” said Dr Denton.