Daily US grain report: look for quieter, pre-holiday trading
US grain futures prices were firmer overnight, with corn up around 1 cent, soybeans up about 3 cents and wheat up 1 to 2 cents.Grain trader attitudes remain upbeat at mid-week, following reports this week that the US and China are moving ever closer to a partial trade deal.

It will likely be a quieter trading session in grain futures Wednesday, ahead of the US Thanksgiving holiday on Thursday.

Weather in the US Corn Belt leans a bit bullish as two major winter storms and highs winds are bearing down on the region, slowing harvest of what little crops are left in the fields. Trader focus is turning to South American corn and soybean weather in corn and soybean regions.
The near-term technical chart postures for corn and beans remains firmly bearish amid near-term price downtrends. However, the technicals in wheat have improved just recently.