OIE takes steps towards digital future

Information flow is an essential component to prevent and monitor the spread of animal diseases as well as to maintain trust between countries.
calendar icon 18 June 2020
clock icon 3 minute read

New technologies offer unprecedented possibilities for Veterinary Services to access more targeted information and assist their decision-making process. In this regard, the OIE has worked in recent years to improve animal health data management.

Next step: the Organisation intends to undergo a digital transformation

The goal is to maximise the potential of the valuable data that it collects, analyses and disseminates, particularly animal health data.

Improved access to animal health information

A major achievement of the 6th Strategic Plan is the total remodelling of the platform hosting all the animal health data provided by countries. The first version of OIE-WAHIS will be launched in upcoming months. By enabling the analysis of disease events in light of other factors and making it possible to cross-reference data with those of other platforms, OIE-WAHIS will become an indispensable tool for animal health data management.

Click here to read more about the project's implementation.

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