H5N1 hits turkey, broiler farms in Poland
Nearly 650,000 birds impactedFour of the five outbreaks were at fattening turkey farms, and one was at a chicken broiler farm. were found in the eastern part of the country, Reuters reports.
A further outbreak was discovered at a turkey and goose farm in the western part of the country, said OIE.
Avian influenza is most often carried from one country to the other by migrating wild birds. It has been spreading rapidly in Europe, raising concern in the poultry industry. Previous outbreaks led to the culling of tens of millions of birds and international trade restrictions.
On Friday, the French government put the entire country on high alert. Authorities extended a requirement to keep all poultry flocks indoors.
Last month, after Avian influenza was reported on a farm, Dutch authorities gave a similar order when it directed commercial farms to keep flocks indoors.
Meanwhile, in Britain an outbreak of highly pathogenic H5 Avian influenza was reported at a small poultry unit in central England on Monday.
Last week, Britain declared a nationwide Avian Influenza Prevention Zone, ordering farms and bird keepers to toughen biosecurity measures.