Iceland must urgently improve food safety controls for poultry - EFSA
Several shortcomings were identified in an auditA report published by the EFTA Surveillance Authority (ESA) recommends that Iceland strengthen controls of poultry meat and poultry meat products in slaughterhouses and processing establishments. The report follows an audit to Iceland from 25 October to 1 November 2022.
The objective of the audit was to verify compliance with the applicable EEA food safety rules for poultry meat and related products, and the implementation of official controls.
ESA found that Iceland had not implemented all relevant EEA food safety legislation governing production of poultry meat and their products and the related official controls by the national authorities. Several shortcomings were identified, including weak animal health controls prior to slaughter (AM) and weak controls of slaughtered animals for sign of disease (PM) resulting in unsafe meat being available to consumers.
Immediately after the audit ESA requested the Icelandic Government to take urgent action to strengthen these official controls and Iceland responded outlining their immediate corrective actions.
In addition, Iceland included in its response to ESA’s draft report, a plan of corrective actions already taken and planned for all recommendations in the report. ESA said it is closely monitoring the implementation of these corrective actions.