Cobb Asia-Pacific shares expertise in Malaysia
More than 70 participants from 30 companies attended the Cobb Asia-Pacific School Breeder module-based technical schoolMore than 70 participants from 30 companies attended the Cobb Asia-Pacific School Breeder module-based technical school during the week of June 19. The school featured industry experts who discussed a range of topics related to poultry production, including rearing, production, male management, ventilation, hatchery management and more.
“It has been nearly four years since our last AP school,” said Dr Youngho Hong, director of technical service, Cobb Asia. “The Cobb bird has changed a lot in the time span, so it is critically important that our customers have the most up-to-date information regarding management.”

“I felt very privileged to be in the company of likeminded people, with a passion for all things poultry,” said Tash Heintz-Kampshof, breeder manager at Inghams Enterprises (NZ) Pty Ltd. “The school was very well organised, and the key topics were very relevant and valuable with insightful messaging. The Cobb Team presented exceptionally well, and they were all very friendly and knowledgeable. It was a really great experience overall.”
“It has been a great three-day experience learning from the Cobb team and to network with the other participants, ” said Jimmy Koid, managing director of Tyson Poultry Thailand. “My team and I plan to take advantage of Cobb resources in Thailand to help [TG1] enhance performance at Tyson Poultry Thailand.”
The Cobb Asia-Pacific school is an annual event, which rotates its topics between broiler, nutrition and breeder, etc. The next school is scheduled to take place in the first half of 2024.
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