Hy-Line honors W-80 top performers
Exceptional results achieved in Latin America and Asia.In Latin America and Southeast Asia markets, the W-80 exceeds expectations, surpassing both breed standards and historical results. Extraordinary Results in Guatemala One such example is the extraordinary results achieved on Victor Martinez’s Rosanda Farm of Guatemala, Central America, which Hy-Line recently recognized for exceptional W-80 flock performance. To 93 weeks of age, the flock produced 446 eggs per hen, produced for 48 weeks above 90% with 15 weeks above 95%; yielding 28.4 kg of total egg mass; an exceptional 1.95 Feed to Egg ratio; and 93.7% flock livability.

With Hy-Line providing highly productive genetic stock, Criaves company producing high quality chicks supported by expert advice, and Rosanda Farms using sound management practices and a well-maintained egg farm, the partnership proved to be a perfect combination for top results. Congratulations to Mr. Victor Martinez and his team, along with Criaves S.A. of El Salvador, longtime Hy-Line distributor to Central America.

Exceptional Parent Stock
Performance in the Philippines Parent performance is important to the worldwide egg supply chain. Hatcheries must not only supply high quality, robust chicks to the market, but must also be efficient in their processes to maintain profitability. Highly productive breeding stock is a hallmark of Hy-Line genetics, as the hatchery business is under similar efficiency demands as commercial egg producers.
In the Philippines, a W-80 Plus parent flock recently demonstrated excellent performance to a first-time breeder farmer on the company’s first flock! Rudy’s Ranch of Batangas, Philippines, was recently recognized for superior parent performance. Their first flock of W-80 Plus parents yielded 114 day-old chicks to 65 weeks of age and required only 2.39 fertile eggs per chick incubation rate!

The performance of the W-80 in the Philippine market has generated a lot of interest from farmers and hatchery companies. The Philippines is known for its heat stress conditions due to its tropical climate, and the market prefers a larger egg than some world markets. The W-80 Plus is meeting these needs and growing significantly in the market. The Philippines is a large country of 110 million inhabitants living on 2,000 of the 7,640 islands that make up the country. White eggs are preferred, making the Philippines among the largest white egg producing countries in Asia.