Bulgarian poultry meat consumption rises in 2023
Consumption rose 8.2%FAS/Sofia estimates 2023 poultry meat consumption reached over 190,000 MT with a growth of 8.2% from 2022 due to more dynamic consumer demand, according to a recent US Department of Agriculture (USDA) Global Agricultural Information Network (GAIN) report.
This demand was met mainly by 10% higher imports, followed by a 2.4% increase in domestic supply. Imports of chicken meat represented 95% of poultry imports. Import prices averaged at $1,697.13/MT for 2023 and although 8.7% higher than in 2022, reportedly, it was competitive relative to domestic prices.
There is no official data about the structure of poultry meat consumption. FAS/Sofia estimates 2023 poultry meat consumption to consist of about 167,000 MT of chicken meat, 11,000 MT of duck meat, 6,000 MT of turkey meat, and about 6,000 MT of processed products.
It is important to note that the estimated growth in consumption came from the food service industry which was rebounding after the pandemic due to improved dining out and tourism, while the retail sales remained stable. This is clearly indicated by the difference between official household/home consumption (mainly a result of retail sales), and total poultry meat consumption in the country, which also includes the food service industry.
While overall consumption is rising, consumption per capita in official statistics (which excludes consumption in the food service industry) was practically stable at 12.2 kg/capita in 2023 compared to 12.3 kg/capita in 2022.
The average quantity of purchased poultry meat by a household was also stagnant at 24.4 kg (2023) compared to 24.5 kg (2022). Unlike in the past when the amount of purchased food was in strong correlation with its price, in 2023 the poultry meat purchases were stable despite 14% growth in the average purchase price. This demonstrates the resilience of consumption and gradual shift of consumer preferences which is also confirmed by trade sources.
Households buy mainly domestically produced chicken meat while most imports are consumed in the food service industry.