Latvia: APF Holdings invests EUR 4 million in Big Dutchman equipment

“We have chosen, in our opinion, the world’s best and most modern egg production equipment supplier”
calendar icon 14 August 2024
clock icon 1 minute read

A remarkable story of success began in Soviet Latvia more than sixty years ago: In 1961, Alūksnes Poultry Farm was founded. Today, the company operates under the name APF Holdings (APF) and is one of the largest egg producers in the Baltic region – and on target for more growth. To this end, the Latvian holding recently signed a contract worth EUR 4 million with Big Dutchman. The German poultry equipment supplier will provide innovative technology for two new aviary houses for barn egg production in Alūksne, located near the border to Estonia.

“We have chosen, in our opinion, the world’s best and most modern egg production equipment supplier,” says Jurijs Adamovičs, founder and chairman of the board of APF, explaining the decision in favour of Big Dutchman.

In more concrete terms, APF opted for the following equipment (a selection):

  • Natura Step aviary system ➡️ welfare bestseller with a large usable area;
  • EggTrax ➡️ egg belt drive that transfers the eggs smoothly from the longitudinal egg belt to the egg collection system;
  • EggCellent elevator ➡️ high collection capacity, low adjustment requirements, secure egg transport;
  • BFN Fusion ➡️ game-changing software solution that bundles all farm data in the cloud, adding relevant value.
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