Outlook: US poultry, egg prices expected to remain stable
Turkey prices projected to fall over next 10 yearsProduction volatility during the pandemic and the 2022–23 HPAI outbreak affected US prices poultry producers received, according to recent USDA ERS market report, Long-Term Growth Projected as US Poultry and Egg Sector Recovers.
However, prices for each of the major poultry products are expected to be stable through the 10-year projection period as steps to prevent further outbreaks continue.
Farm prices (prices received by producers, which are typically lower than those paid by consumers at the retail/supermarket level) for eggs peaked in 2022 at $2.39 per dozen but are projected to remain well below this mark and are not expected to exceed $1.50 per dozen throughout the projection period. Not adjusting for inflation, egg prices are forecast to reach $1.49 per dozen by 2033. Farm prices for broilers are projected to decline through 2028, falling to a low of $0.71 per pound before beginning a steady climb and reaching $0.75 per pound by 2033. Broiler prices peaked in 2022 at $0.85 per pound.
Declining per capita domestic consumption of turkey meat combined with higher production, leading to a steady but slow fall in turkey prices throughout the projection period. Farm prices for turkey, which reached a high of $1.07 per pound in 2022, are expected to fall to $0.96 in 2025 and continue to decline to $0.91 by 2033. Although turkey prices are projected to fall over the period, they are expected to remain higher than pre-2022 levels.