Bulgaria approves HPAI compensation regulation - GAIN
Poultry Union's position on adopting a vaccine is positiveThe local poultry industry in Bulgaria continued to be proactive and had intensive consultations with the authorities regarding economic challenges, domestic support, and regulations, according to a recent US Department of Agriculture (USDA) Global Agricultural Information Network (GAIN) report.
The authorities approved a critical regulation related to compensations to farms impacted by HPAI. According to the industry (Poultry Union), favourable epizootic environment, including heavy monitoring and control over HPAI, along with high biosecurity standards at farms, is the top priority.
Due to high density of broiler and layer farms next to duck farms, the Poultry Union position on using a vaccine against HPAI is positive provided that this will not affect trade and especially exports. The industry also managed to achieve improved domestic support for poultry producers. Another priority for the industry is several regulations, part of the EU Green Deal, such as animal health welfare, emissions from the poultry farms, and deforestation regulation. These regulations are seen as challenging for implementation, increasing production costs, and not supporting industry growth.